I'm insecure.
I said it.
I did.
Because you know what? If I can name it and proclaim it then my cell begins to rattle and quake and my chains begin to let up a bit. And that feels good.
It will feel good for you too. Go ahead, stretch those arms and feel freedom.
I used to be too insecure to admit that I am insecure. Ha! I didn't want to be branded. I didn't want to be one of them. They act weird and look weird and they're annoying.
Aren't they?
Maybe, but aren't we all to some degree, no matter our condition? The fact of the matter is, us insecure folk come in a myriad of exotic shapes and fancy colors. I'm just one. And that girl I once knew that I always think of as being the poster child for insecurity, she's just another color too. Just another crazy shape. No better or worse than me, just different. You're different too. We're on variant levels with insecurities that lie in variant places, but we're all in this together. Our culture is converging it's little minions on every front and nurturing our feelings of self-doubt and it's about time we stand with our God and say enough is enough! He is mighty to save. He is able. Let us stand, seek Him, hear Him, and believe Him when He whispers His words of love to our hearts.

In the words of Beth, [I am on a] quest for real, lasting, soul-changing security. I'd be honored if you care to join me.
(Resources: Praying God's Word by Beth Moore; Victory Over the Darkness by Neil T. Anderson; So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore)
You are so incredibly beautiful...I love your heart and I love you. I love this blog...keep 'em coming...
ReplyDeletei came over because, well i was feeling especially insecure (shapely and colorful) today. so a friend directed me to beth's blog, where i read through all the scriptures, and yours blessed me!
He drives out the enemy before you;
he cries out, ‘DESTROY THEM!’
Deuteronomy 33:27 (NLT)
so good. i need to hear this and live in this today and all the tomorrows.
Oh Denise! Girl, we're in this together! So glad you came on over! Keep comin' I hope you're blessed here! Yes, I'll be quoting that verse today as well, so much might and power in it! Our God is crazy good!
ReplyDeleteI just looked at you photography website. It is amazing, especially the bridal and wedding work. It is sensual and evocative. I could see a couple returning to these images in those difficult times which are inevitable in marriage and remembering the passion they felt for one another at the beginning. These photos hold future restoration, like love stored in a bottle.
ReplyDeleteFred Teagle
Wow, Fred, thanks for the compliment. I love that my portraits could be used to help restore passion in the future. That rocks!